Over 80 million people have halitosis, or bad breath. This can be caused by bacteria growing in your mouth. Depending on which type of bacteria are growing in your mouth, your breath might smell different. Our dentist, Dr. BJ Showman, cares about your breath. That’s why our team at Downtown Dental Associates in Cleveland, Ohio, want to share with you... read more »
Preventing cavities and gum disease is just one of the many important facets associated with maintaining a healthy mouth. Your soft oral tissues and throat have complex structures that play an important role in your essential oral function and general quality of life. A serious problem like oral and pharyngeal cancer can also cause discomfort and potentially prove life threatening.... read more »
Are you familiar with the benefits that mouthwash products can provide for your oral health care? Mouthwash can not only help freshen your breath but, in some cases, can even help reduce the rate at which several oral health risks can occur. Mouthwash products come in a variety of styles and the accompanying benefits, so it is important to make... read more »
Nobody likes suffering from the cold and the flu. Sometimes, an illness may be so severe that you find it difficult to even get out of bed. Because of this, we often tend to neglect our oral health care while we are sick, which can cause further oral health and physical health risks. It is important to make sure that... read more »
Are you interested in having a whiter and brighter smile? If so, our dentist encourages you to consider our professional in-office teeth whitening treatment. This treatment can improve the appearance of your teeth to help you achieve your smile goals. To help you know all about this treatment, our dentist is happy to share the following facts about it: -Professional in-office... read more »
Poor oral hygiene habits such as failing to brush your teeth each morning and night or failing to remember to floss at least once each day can leave bacterial deposits in your mouth. In time this can lead to hardened tartar developing on the base of your teeth near the gumline. As it continues to worsen the constant bacterial presence... read more »
If your tooth or teeth are sensitive to hot or cold foods and beverages, all is not lost. There are things that you and our dentist can do to return your teeth to full health. Causes of Tooth Sensitivity Some of the main dental problems that result in tooth sensitivity include damaged tooth enamel and receding gums. These dental issues... read more »
An untreated cavity or severe dental trauma can sometimes result in the total loss of a tooth. Even if some of the original root structure remains, there might not be sufficient structural integrity to support a root canal and dental crown restoration. In a severe case like this an experienced dentist like Dr. BJ Showman might recommend a complete extraction.... read more »
Dentures are designed to replace the basic function of your missing teeth, whether you are missing multiple teeth or all of them. Your dentures have a base that resembles natural gum tissue and makes sure that they fit firmly in your mouth. Your denture is a removable oral appliance that we create to fit your mouth comfortably. Many denture wearers like to... read more »
The addition of toothpaste to your toothbrush significantly enhances its ability to clean your teeth. While many people assume that using an abrasive toothpaste can scour away food particles and plaque, there are many factors to consider when purchasing a toothpaste, and we will gladly tell you what these are. First and foremost, we encourage you to purchase a brand... read more »